A few ramblings from Berli Kalan, Rewari, Haryana
Its difficult to get a clear sky in the month of June, especially with record breaking heat wave in the northern Indian plains, this year. Surprisingly the sky was quite clear on the night of 9th June.
I was happy to join a few amateur astronomers from the NCR for a simple overnight observation at Berli Kalan, a village just a few kilometres from Rewari, Haryana. We were on top of a school building and had a clear view of the horizon all around, 360°. There was some glow all around the horizon and haze for about 10° above the horizon. The rest of the sky was clear for deep sky hunting.
In the early part of the evening I saw the Summer Triangle rising and quite liked the scene. Here is an image that I made at about 10pm, looking towards the eastern direction. The three big constellations (Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila) and other smaller constellations within and without (Vulpecula, Sagitta,Delphinus, Scutum).
The Summer Triangle rising was quite a beautiful sight and I was able to realise the scene quite faithfully in this image.
Several asterisms are visible in this image. (Asterisms are patterns in the sky, just like constellations, but are not included in the list of 88 constellations)
1. The Summer Triangle asterism which consists of three stars from different constellations.
2. The Northern Cross asterism, which is wholly in the Cygnus constellation.
3. The Coat Hangar (as mentioned by Sudhash).
4. The four bright stars in Delphinus form the Job’s Coffin Asterism.
5. The Eagle Tail Corona is an asterism – a curved figure in the tail of Aquila and extending into Scutum.