Shadow of Earth
VIEW FROM THE TOPRecently Neelam operated flight from San Francisco to Bengaluru. Its a killer flight for the cabin crew. You take off in the western hemisphere in the mid latitudes and two dates later you land in the eastern hemisphere in the tropics. OH! Where did the middle day evaporate? And when you land, you don't know where you are. It was actually the hometown for Neelam.This image was shot at a latitude just shy of 80°N. The 777-200 aircraft, was flying over north-eastern part of Greenland, and about to cross the Prime-Meridian of the Earth, towards the eastern hemisphere. The heading/direction of the plane 81°, that's about eastern direction.The plane was at the northernmost place of its entire routing at this time, and the image is shot looking northwards from the left side window of the plane. Its morning twilight time over the icy still rivers of Greenland, and just a little morning blush.But what is prominent in this image - is the SHADOW OF THE EARTH at a rising angle, just before sunrise.Got the Geometry / Geography?