Astrophotography Image Arcade

From the vantage point of Surkhanda Devi in Saklana Range, foothills of the Himalaya, looking towards south (heading ~200°) you can see the area of Jolly Grant and Doiwala. In this image Dehradun lies towards the right, just outside of the frame, though you can see the shining lights from the capital. Beyond the lights of Doiwala and Jolly Grant (middle of the image) you can see the darkish Shivalik Range. Follow the Shivalik towards the left, and where the hills end, the Ganga flows southwards, that's Haridwar. Lights from the towns of Roorkee and Saharanpur can be seen beyond.

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From the vantage point of Surkhanda Devi in Saklana Range, foothills of the Himalaya, looking towards south (heading ~200°) you can see the area of Jolly Grant and Doiwala. In this image Dehradun lies towards the right, just outside of the frame, though you can see the shining lights from the capital. Beyond the lights of Doiwala and Jolly Grant (middle of the image) you can see the darkish Shivalik Range. Follow the Shivalik towards the left, and where the hills end, the Ganga flows southwards, that's Haridwar. Lights from the towns of Roorkee and Saharanpur can be seen beyond.

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